Get your Café Pinnochio dog training kit today! @pinocchiomontreal #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel Well, this happened 🙂 #FilmScoring #IndieFilm #EcolePivaut Summer 2023 #Montreal #forestfires “Please finish your early morning coffee so we can get down to business.” #cafevito Yours truly with DTYM, live at the legendary Rialto Theatre in Montreal Live at the RIALTO tonight - Le Cabaret Robert-Gravel, feat. DTYM The best ATM is the Gay-TM! #Villeray #Pride We made it thru. Cheers to you ol’ bud
Get your Café Pinnochio dog training kit today! @pinocchiomontreal #cavalierkingcharlesspaniel Well, this happened 🙂 #FilmScoring #IndieFilm #EcolePivaut Summer 2023 #Montreal #forestfires “Please finish your early morning coffee so we can get down to business.” #cafevito Yours truly with DTYM, live at the legendary Rialto Theatre in Montreal Live at the RIALTO tonight - Le Cabaret Robert-Gravel, feat. DTYM The best ATM is the Gay-TM! #Villeray #Pride We made it thru. Cheers to you ol’ bud